domingo, 24 de maio de 2009


  • In some cases Ashoka may be compared with Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Timur, Peter I of Russia, Napoleon I. But Ashoka was not extra ambitious like Alexander the Great. Ashoka was an ideal administrator like Julius Caesar, but unlike Caesar, he didn't want to be known as a dictator. Ashoka was a strong general but unlike Napoleon I Ashoka never was unsatisfied. Ashoka wanted to be loved by his subjects. He never terrorized his subjects like Genghis Khan, Timur and Peter I of Russia. Nobility of soul, purity of mind, honesty of nature, clarity of dignity and love for all let Ashoka sit with Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ. - Madhav Kondvilkar in Devancha Priya Raja Priyadarshi Samrath Ashok (page no. 19).
  • Now a days wars, conflicts and blood shed have become very familiar, but about two thousand years ago Ashoka comprehended the evils of war and conflicts. Ashoka turned his all power to establish harmony and peace, in this way he has put a fine example to be followed before all mankind. In this way he has shown that in peacetime man would be a progressed being. - Dr. Binda Paranjape in Ashokache Shilalekha (page no.29).
  • A hundred years after my death there will be an emperor named Ashoka in Pataliputra. He will rule one of the four continents and adorn Jambudvipa (old name to India) with my relics, building eighty four thousand stupas for the welfare of people. He will have them honored by gods and men. His fame will be widespread. His meritorious gift was just this: Jaya threw a handful of dust into the Tathaagata's bowl. Prediction of Buddha for Ashoka according to the Ashokavadana.
  • "He (Ashoka) insisted on the recognition of the sanctity of all human life". Dr. Munshi.
  • Asoka, one of the great monarchs of history, whose dominions extended from Afghanistan to Madras... is the only military monarch on record who abandoned warfare after victory. He had invaded Kalinga (255 B.C.), a country along the east coast of Madras, perhaps with some intention of completing the conquest of the tip of the Indian peninsula. The expedition was successful, but he was disgusted by what be saw of the cruelties and horrors of war. He declared, in certain inscriptions that still exist, that he would no longer seek conquest by war, but by religion, and the rest of his life was devoted to the spreading of Buddhism throughout the world. He seems to have ruled his vast empire in peace and with great ability. He was no mere religious fanatic. For eight and twenty years Asoka worked sanely for the real needs of men. Amidst the tens of thousands of names of monarchs that crowd the columns of history, their majesties and graciousnesses and serenities and royal highnesses and the like, the name of Asoka shines, and shines, almost alone, a star. From the Volga to Japan his name is still honored. China, Tibet, and even India, though it has left his doctrine, preserve the tradition of his greatness. More living men cherish his memory today than have ever heard the names of Constantine or Charlemagne. - H.G. Wells in The Outline of History (Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind) published in (1920) chapter no. 25.4 (Buddhism and Asoka) page no 365-366.

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